10 January 2011

My No-Soap Showering Experiment...

After reading about Sean Bonner's BoinBoing piece and Blog entry and linked paleo posts - and a fair amount of "Ask Dr. Google" - I decided to try this experiment on myself.

So far it's a raging success for me.  I'll post my daily experience here - good and bad.

Day one was Thursday 06 January 2011.  I picked this day to start as I had no meetings or scheduled face-to-face interactions until 5:00 or 6:00 p.m.  If the smell got really detectable I'd shower again in the evening.

So, quick 5 - 7 minute shower with water only.  No soap.  No shampoo.

Just me and my bod and warm water on it.

I probably overdid the scrubbing a little this first day.  Just a little over sensitive to my and others' body smells.  And my normally oily hair.

That's the part that may be more challenging:  the hair.

More soon...

Today's joke:

Poo for everyone for Christmas:
Shampoo for my real friends.
Real poo for my sham friends.

Except, no-poo for my real real friends.

It's so good.